Found: 220 resources
Study of Some Biochemical Parameters of Blood in Thalassemia Major Patients in Thi Qar Governorate
Thi-Qar Medical Journal, 2022, Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 70-74
Thromboembolic events in ß-Thalassemiamajor patients
Journal of the Faculty of Medicine Baghdad, 2006, Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 370-373
Study of 30 Cases of Thalassemic Patients Underwent Splenectomy and Followed Up from 2010-2017
Dijlah Journal, 2020, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 35-40
Thalassemia in Iraq (Review Article)
Iraqi Journal of Cancer and Medical Genetics, 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 13-16
Effect of sex class on the levels of some biochemical variables in thalassemia patients
Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 2019, Volume 24, Issue 6, Pages 1-9
Complications of High Serum Ferritin Level after Splenectomy in β Thalassemic Patients
KUFA MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2009, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 243-250
Total Serum Bilirubin and Related Anemia in Thalassemic Patients
Journal of College of Education, 2011, Volume , Issue 6, Pages 70-83
Studies of Biochemical Changes in Serum of Patients with Different Types of Thalassemia
IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE, 2011, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 228-233
Bone mineral density in beta thalassemia syndrome in Mosul city
Annals of the College of Medicine Mosul, 2013, Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 160-165
Prevalence of hepatitis c infection among multitransfused thalassemia major patients in ibn-albalady center of thalassemia
Al-Qadisiyah Medical Journal, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 15, Pages 73-84