Found: 616 resources
Desulfurization and Kinetic Study of Diesel Fuel by Batch Adsorption on Activated Carbon
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2015, Volume 33, Issue 8 Part (A) Engineering, Pages 1901-1916
Modification, Characterization of Tea Residue-derived Activated Carbon, and Ciprofloxacin Adsorption
Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, 2024, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 1-16
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of Benzothiozoles Derived Dyes Adsorption by Activated Carbon
Iraqi National Journal Of Chemistry, 2010, Volume , Issue 40, Pages 680-691
Removal of Iron (II) from Wastewater by Locally Prepared of Activated Carbon
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2012, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 344-353
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of 6-methoxy benzthiazole azo- ß-naphthole Dye Adsorption by Activated Carbon
Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 2013, Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 97-104
Batch and Continuous Adsorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Alhagi Forks and Tea Husk
Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 2016, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 98-106
Thermodynamic Study of The Adsorption of Some Azo Dyes on Activated Carbon
Academic Science Journal, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 02, Pages 203-220
Removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Flax Seeds as an Adsorbent
DIYALA JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 2019, Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 1-8
Formulation of Alpha Tocopherol Acetate as a PowderDosage Form by Adsorption
Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 18-25
Adsorption Study for Chromium (VI) on Iraqi Bentonite
Baghdad Science Journal, 2010, Volume 7, Issue عدد خاص بمؤتمر العلمي النسوي 1, Pages 745-756