Found: 73 resources
Symmetric groups, permutation sets, soft sets, Q-algebra, G-part, p-semisimple Q-algebra
Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2024, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 275-286
A Proposed Framework for Analyzing Crime Data Set Using Decision Tree and Simple K-Means Mining Algorithms
Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 8-24
Studying the Impact of Handling the Missing Values on the Dataset On the Efficiency of Data Mining Techniques
Basrah Journal of Science (Bas J Sci), 2012, Volume 30, Issue 2A english, Pages 128-141
Employee Performance Assessment Using Modified Decision Tree
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2018, Volume 36, Issue 7 Part (A) Engineering, Pages 806-811
Effect of Aging Time on Deformation Behavior of Lead-Free and Lead Base Solders Alloys
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2018, Volume 36, Issue 8 Part (A) Engineering, Pages 853-866
A Decision Tree-Aware Genetic Algorithm for Botnet Detection
Iraqi Journal of Science, 2021, Volume 62, Issue 7, Pages 2454-2462
Using Texture Feature in Fruit Classification
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2021, Volume 39, Issue 1part (B) Science, Pages 67-79
Application of Decision Tree as a Data Mining Tool in a health care
Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer, 2012, Volume 1, Issue 5, Pages 102-109
Classification Algorithms for Determining Handwritten Digit
Iraqi Journal for Electrical And Electronic Engineering, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 96-102
Medical Texture Recognition Based on Intelligent Technique
Engineering and Technology Journal, 2016, Volume 34, Issue 1 Part (B) Scientific, Pages 121-128