Found: 54 resources
Intonation Analysis of The Movie: Fall from Grace
AL-ADAB JOURNAL, 2022, Volume , Issue 143 Supplement 2, Pages 17-26
The conditional style intonation
Arab Scientific Heritage Journal, 2019, Volume 3, Issue 42, Pages 227-244
An Acoustic Analysis of Voice Onset Time in the Production of Voiceless Plosives in English and Iraqi Turkmen
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2023, Volume 30, Issue العدد (8) الجزء(2), Pages 44-62
The Effect of Intonation on the Identification of syntactic Structures and their meanings in the Quranic Text.-Surah of Maryam as an Example-
Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, 2021, Volume 1, Issue 34, Pages 359-384
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Intonation in Selected Media Readings about the Russian-Ukraine War
Linguistics and Translation Studies, 2023, Volume , Issue 39, Pages 100-116
Intonation Analysis of Some Selected Scenes of The Tragic Movie : The Great Gatsby
Mustansiriyah Journal of Arts, 2023, Volume 47, Issue 101, Pages E 1-E 19
Jurisprudential rulings related to the intonation of the Holy Qur’an
Journal of Islamic sciences, 2024, Volume 2, Issue 36, Pages 71-116
رحلة الموسيقى والغناء من بابل إلى بغداد
Journal of University of Babylon, 2016, Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 1352-1368
The Discrepancies between American English and British English
Surra Man Ra'a, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 52, Pages 581-37-581-62
The Role of Prosodic Features in Showing Interactional Negotiation among Participants in Selected American Political Interviews
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2021, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 1-24