Found: 453 resources
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal, 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 91-104
The Evaluation of Use Tenodermodesis Procedure with Fixation of Distal Interphalangeal Joint in Extension Position by Kirschner Wire in Management of Delayed Mallet Finger
Medical Journal of Babylon, 2013, Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 647-655
Enhancement of Pro-inflammatory Cytokine by Partial Purified Lipopolysaccharide Extracted from Invasive Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Al-Nahrain Journal of Science, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 111-115
Biodegradation of Aromatic and Alkanes Compounds in Contamination Soils with Gasoline by Klebsiella pneumoniae
Iraqi Journal of Science, 2015, Volume 56, Issue 3C, Pages 2574-2584
Classification of k-Sets in PG(1,25), for k=4,…,13
Iraqi Journal of Science, 2018, Volume 59, Issue 1B, Pages 360-368
The Pedagogical Content Knowledge (P.C.K) for the Mathematical Teachers of Intermediate Stage
journal of the college of basic education, 2022, Volume 28, Issue 117, Pages 366-388
Effect of organic fertilizer on availability of macro nutrients N, P, K and the product of garlic
ANBAR JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, 2010, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 56-63
A Comparison Between SVM and K-NN for classification of Plant Diseases
Academic Science Journal, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 02, Pages 94-105
Anemia Blood Cell localization Using Modified K- Means Algorithm
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics, 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages Comp Page 9-21
Integrated interaction between Nano, conventional potassium fertilizer and Zeolite on kinetic K-release from calcareous soil
Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2023, Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 56-67