Found: 36 resources
طبقات الصحابة والتابعين عند الحاكم النيسابوري في كتابه (معرفة علوم الحديث وكمية أجناسه)
Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2013, Volume 4, Issue 15, Pages 112-163
The Political Reforming Role of Prince Aragon Aqa in the Mongol State (٦٢٣-٦٧٣ AH/ ١٢٢٥-١٢٧٥ AD)
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2013, Volume 43, Issue 67, Pages 267-296
Reading of the Social and Economic Reforms during the reign of Ur-kagina
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2019, Volume 49, Issue 77, Pages 639-666
Islamic community And the relationship between the ruler and the ruled (A study in the light of the Islamic perception)
Altoosi University College Journal, 2023, Volume , Issue 17, Pages 169-190
Ruling on (Obedience to the Muslim Ruler is Obligatory as Long as he Didn't Order to commit sins) a jurisprudential study
Midad Al-Adab Refereed Journal, 2022, Volume 1, Issue 26, Pages 287-316
The Ruler Justice Effect On The Period of His Regime Hufsain state in tunsian area as a model from 618 -918H/ 1220-1574A
JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL & CULTURAL STUDIES an academic magazin, 2022, Volume 13, Issue 55, Pages 71-86
Representations of the ruling icon in modern European painting
Basrah Arts Journal, 2023, Volume , Issue 26, Pages 101-113
Politics of the Fatimids in the isolation of the men of the state (358-567AH / 969-1117AD) "Historical Study"
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2019, Volume , Issue 42, Pages 1391-1407
Economic and financial change in the rule of Omar bin Al-Khattab
Adab AL Rafidayn, 1971, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 77-121
The Concept of Justics: A Study of Evidence
Ahl Al-Bait Jurnal, 2021, Volume 1, Issue 28, Pages 511-530