4 journals
Published by Alkunooze university college
ISSN 27066231 27066223 (Paper)
ISSN 27066223 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Political science (General), Public law, Numerical analysis and computing, Physical and theoretical chemistry, Cross-disciplinary, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Nursing, Education (General), Agriculture (General), Historical osteology, Library and information science (General), Industrial design, Medicine (General), Veterinary science, Energy, Physical therapy (Physiotherapy) and occupational therapy, Production and engineering management
Published by University of Ahl Al-Bait
ISSN 18192033 (Paper)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Asian studies: law, Commercial law, Civil law, Public law, Languages, Journalism, Linguistics
Published by Diyala University
ISSN 22252509 29573505 (Paper)
ISSN 29573505 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Public law, Political science (General)
Published by University of Samarra
ISSN 18131735 29601983 (Paper)
ISSN 29601983 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Philosophy (General), History of religions, Languages, Literature, Religion (General), Public law, History (General), Geography (General), Education (General)