The Iraqi Journal of Embryos and Infertility Researches (IJEIR) is the first Iraqi journal in the field of infertility, clinical and applied embryology and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART's). It is the official journal of the institute of embryos researches and infertility treatment (the former name of the Institute), the High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (current name) in Al Nahrain University. The first issue was released in 2011 after including in the Global Index for journals (ISSN: 2218 -0265). It has also been documented in the Iraqi National Library with an archive deposit number:1426-2010. The journal publishes articles and researches in the field of fertility, reproduction, special embryology and reproductive genetics fields. It is a peer reviewed journal, which specializes in providing the possibility for researchers to publish research, clinical and academic articles specialized in reproduction and infertility to humans, and animals. The journal covers a large area of scientific topics: Special Science of reproduction including physiology, pathology, urinary, science of cells, tissues cellular genetics and others. The journal publishes scientific articles in accordance with international standards and based on the evaluator scientific specialists inside and outside Iraq. It is issued twice a year to stay with a high and influential scientific level so topped the journal within prime location between scientific journals published by Al Nahrain University establishment. The journal is indexed in the Crossref and Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals. In addition to Publons website.