6 journals
Published by Babylon University
ISSN 1812156X 23126760 (Paper)
ISSN 23126760 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Neurosciences, Dermatology, Biology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Gynecology and obstetrics, Pediatrics, Surgery, Internal medicine, Medicine (General), Dentistry, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Therapeutics. Rehabilitation. Pharmacology, Musculoskeletal system, orthopedics and rheumatology
Published by University of Technology
ISSN 27886867 (Paper)
ISSN 27886867 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Optics, Numerical analysis and computing, Technology and engineering (General), Computer Science, Physics, Science (General), Chemistry, Biology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Microbiology, Biology and miscellaneous
Published by Ministry of Industry and Minerals
ISSN 2788712X (Paper)
ISSN 2788712X (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Biology and miscellaneous, Pharmacy and materia medica, Physics, Environmental studies (General), Medicine (General), Veterinary science, Food technology, Agriculture (General), Technology and engineering (General), Production and engineering management, Industrial design, Energy, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 27069907 27069915 (Paper)
ISSN 27069915 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Biology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Genetics and evolution, Internal medicine, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry
Published by Rafidain University College
ISSN 27893219 (Paper)
ISSN 27893219 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Biology, Microbiology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry, Public health and social medicine, Therapeutics. Rehabilitation. Pharmacology, Nursing, Medicine (General), Dentistry, Medical technology and radiology
Published by Mustansiriyah University
ISSN 20701128 22274081 (Paper)
ISSN 22274081 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Biology, Microbiology, Public health and social medicine, Medical technology and radiology, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics. Rehabilitation. Pharmacology, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry, Human anatomy, Surgery, Medicine (General), Pediatrics, Gynecology and obstetrics