Technology and engineering
Computer Engineering
10 journals
Published by Mosul University
ISSN 18130526 22201270 (Paper)
ISSN 22201270 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Technology and engineering (General), Electrical engineering and electronics, Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Architecture and the built environment, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Environmental engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Construction and building engineering
Published by University of Technology
ISSN 18119212 (Paper)
Language English
Subjects: Computer Engineering, Signals and systems
Published by Wassit University
ISSN 23056932 (Paper)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Production and engineering management, Structural engineering, Industrial design, Technology and engineering (General), Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Electrical engineering and electronics, Chemical Engineering, Architecture and the built environment, Electricity and magnetism, Urban groups. The City. Urban sociology, Urban geography, Science (General)
Published by Al-Nahrain University
ISSN 2222758X 27897362 (Paper)
ISSN 27897362 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Telecommunication, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Production and engineering management
Published by City College of Science University
ISSN 20732295 26645521 (Paper)
ISSN 26645521 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Anesthesiology and intensive care, Law (General), Nursing, Physical therapy (Physiotherapy) and occupational therapy, Biology, Biology and miscellaneous, Chemistry, Physics, Nuclear physics, Optics, Economics, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems
Published by Misan University
ISSN 29574242 29574250 (Paper)
ISSN 29574250 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Electrical engineering and electronics, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Architecture and the built environment, Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Technology and engineering (General), Environmental engineering, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy and mining, Energy, Structural engineering, Transportation engineering
Published by iraqi association of information
ISSN 19948638 26640600 (Paper)
ISSN 26640600 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Technology and engineering (General)
Published by Alkunooze university college
ISSN 27066231 27066223 (Paper)
ISSN 27066223 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Political science (General), Public law, Numerical analysis and computing, Physical and theoretical chemistry, Cross-disciplinary, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Nursing, Education (General), Agriculture (General), Historical osteology, Library and information science (General), Industrial design, Medicine (General), Veterinary science, Energy, Physical therapy (Physiotherapy) and occupational therapy, Production and engineering management
Published by Baghdad College of Economic Sciences
ISSN 2072778X 27895871 (Paper)
ISSN 27895871 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Business and management, Service management, Economics, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Production and engineering management, Statistics
Published by Shatt Al-Arab University College
ISSN 27912868 27912868 (Paper)
ISSN 27912868 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Electrical engineering and electronics, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Computer Science, Production and engineering management