Technology and engineering
Industrial design
4 journals
Published by Rafidain University College
ISSN 30053153 (Paper)
ISSN 30053153 (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Technology and engineering (General), Chemical Engineering, Environmental engineering, Hydraulic engineering, Electrical engineering and electronics, Production and engineering management, Industrial design
Published by Ministry of Industry and Minerals
ISSN 2788712X (Paper)
ISSN 2788712X (Electronic)
Language English
Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Biology and miscellaneous, Pharmacy and materia medica, Physics, Environmental studies (General), Medicine (General), Veterinary science, Food technology, Agriculture (General), Technology and engineering (General), Production and engineering management, Industrial design, Energy, Cellbiology, life science and biochemistry, Biochemistry
Published by Wassit University
ISSN 23056932 (Paper)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Production and engineering management, Structural engineering, Industrial design, Technology and engineering (General), Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Electrical engineering and electronics, Chemical Engineering, Architecture and the built environment, Electricity and magnetism, Urban groups. The City. Urban sociology, Urban geography, Science (General)
Published by Alkunooze university college
ISSN 27066231 27066223 (Paper)
ISSN 27066223 (Electronic)
Language Arabic and English
Subjects: Political science (General), Public law, Numerical analysis and computing, Physical and theoretical chemistry, Cross-disciplinary, Computer Engineering, Signals and systems, Mechanics and mechanical engineering, Nursing, Education (General), Agriculture (General), Historical osteology, Library and information science (General), Industrial design, Medicine (General), Veterinary science, Energy, Physical therapy (Physiotherapy) and occupational therapy, Production and engineering management