About the journal
refereed intellectual heritage journal issued by the General House of Cultural Affairs, It
took an epistemological character that resulted in Arab and Islamic thought,
adopting scientific fields that included human specialties, language, poetry,
history, criticism, art and medicine, as
well as celebrating personalities who enriched our Arab and Islamic heritage
and contributed to preserving its identity since its inception in 1971 it is
chaired by the honorable Professor Abdul Hamid Al-Aluji to the present day It
was not interrupted or delayed in its issuance by the best writers and thinkers
by adopting an advisory body for evacuated professors and setting conditions
for publication that it adhered to in accordance with the criteria it saw as
being among the elite in the world of literary and intellectual journals which attracts its writers from inside and
outside the country with a view to scientific and academic accuracy in
providing the research conditions to consolidate heritage studies and develop
interest in this field in an effort to create cultural intimacy In an effort to
create cultural intimacy by pairing the ancient and modern heritages, it bet to
open new windows due to the research it offers and what dictates to its readers
its pioneering role in studying heritage in an extensive study according to
unique and new visions.