Dowry in time of the Prophet Muhammad’s model


the Study of dowry in Islam has a great importance because it deals directly with the life of people and related to family because it started by dowry contract and this law is followed since the prophet Adam till now a days , so this study contain the explanation of dowry linguistically and the historical background of dowry for the Arab before Islam, and we knew how the Greeks and Rumanians paid dowry in that time ,also the quantum of dowry explained weather it is few or a lot and which one of them is favorite in Islam , the dowry is one of the woman rights and also this research explains the dowry in case of the woman divorced and the rule for each case and what is the Islamic rule according to reason of divorce ad what is the dowry of woman who gifted herself to somebody , and the quantum of maid when her master marry her and how much Muslim has to pat as a dowry when the woman flees to him because she accept Islam. This study depends on historical sources and book of alhadeeth explanationand they arranged chronologically and this study depends on lexicons to define some terminologies.