دور المستشرق ماكس فون أوبنهايم في الدعاية الألمانية للحرب المقدسة 1915- 1918


The German orientalist von Oppenheim was known for being a diplomat and an archaeologist who had extensive knowledge of the situation of the Arab and Islamic world and his connections with many political, partisan and intellectual Arab and Islamic figures and gained the confidence of the Emperor of Germany. Areas of influence and colonialism during the most intense stages of the colonial competition prior to the First World War, has been constantly called through his reports to exploit the feelings of Muslims to fuel Islamic Jihad against the enemies of Germany, He was called the "spiritual father of the Islamic Jihad." The British circles described him as the "Caesar's spy" and caused his activities in the British and French colonial circles. He was summoned at the outbreak of the First World War to carry out German propaganda supporting the German Ottoman alliance. The third axis focused on (the trip of Oppenheim to the Levant 1915 to spread the German propaganda), and the third axis (the fate of German propaganda and the Holy War until 1918).