Moderate Islamic religious discourse - its concept and its most important pillars


Modern means of communication have provided a great potential for people and groups to be opened to the world. This has given people the ability to direct discourse to the masses. However, despite the great advantages of these means in exchanging ideas, they have been the cause of the spread of a religious convulsive discourse. Hence, the need has emerged for a moderate religious discourse which leads to fruitful results represented by the dissemination of virtue in communities and guiding people to the right path of faith. However, many people, triggered by the belief in the responsibility of safeguarding their doctrine, have ignored this notion although they claim that their discourse is moderate. Even extremist groups claim moderation as a result of ignorance of the concept of moderate discourse, its principles and means of achieving moderate discourse. In this light, the study aims at clarifying the concept of the Islamic religious discourse and the concept of moderation in religious discourse. Moderation in religious discourse is defined as the commitment to adhere to eloquent style, high moral, resilience, sound understanding of religious texts, avoiding extremism and coercion, adhering to objectivity and honesty in religious preaching. Moreover, the study aims at highlighting the most important bases of the moderate religious discourse. The most important findings of the study include the fact that the Islamic religious discourse should be under the responsibility of specialized religious institutions and syndicates to arrive at a mature and perfect religious discourse. In addition, the concept of the religious discourse to be moderate should be determined, i.e. the adopted means of communicating the religious discourse to people such as orations, religious opinions books and articles. The most important recommendations of the study include distancing religion from political recruitment and propaganda for parties and holding conferences and seminars on subjects pertaining to moderation.