Effect of Surface Waves on Submarine Pipeline during Lying
Submarine pipelines are essentially used for the transmission of gas and oil across oceans between countries or for transport between shore and offshore installations. The pipeline applications were studied to be installed in deep water, which exposed to different loads such as currents and waves in various directions, barge movements, seafloor interaction, etc. This paper developed a dynamic analysis of the J-lay suspended submarine pipeline during laying taking into account the effect of water depth, the direction of the wave heading, and sea state without vessel movement. The finite element program ANSYS R17.2 is used for modeling and analysis of the pipelines. The random sea state is modeled using the JONSWAP spectrum. It was found that the effect of the direction of wave heading on the bending moment from dynamic analysis of pipeline is obvious in a depth of (2 m) below water surface, and then gradually decreases until it disappears in depth of (100 m). Whereas the effect of wave height is obvious in a depth of (2 m) and then gradually decreases until it disappears in depth of (120 m).