Effect of pH on some functional properties of Mozzarella cheese made from cow’s milk
In this study, three treatments of Mozzarella cheese. Cheeses prepared by direct acidification with lactic, citric and acetic acids to reach pH 5.6, 6.56 and 5.4 respectively and a control prepared by conventional method using cow’s milk were used to study the effect of pH on some functional properties of Mozzarella cheese. Result showed an increase in moisture and soluble nitrogen percent and a decrease in total protein, fat and salt in lactic acid treatment compared with control. Cheese acidified with citric acid showed an increase of moisture with decrease in pH value, while there was no effect on total protein, fat and salt. No difference was noted for cheese made with acetic acid except the elevation in moisture and decreasing in total protein. Organoleptic evolution revealed non significant differences between marks given for flavour, test, body and color in acetic acid treatment. There was a significant reduction in body marks for citric acid treatment and a significant increase in color marks for lactic acid treatment. Use of lactic, citric and acetic acids help to improve body and color of cheese comparing with control.