إمكانية التوافق لسياسات التدريب في المؤسسة الاقتصادية الجزائرية مع تطبيق الستة سيغما دراسة حالة مؤسسة كوندور


This study aimed to investigate the compatibility of training policies in the economic institutions with the requirement of the application of Six Sigma programs. This study was held in an Algerian private firm named Condor stated in the Wilaya of Bord Bou-Arreridj.The study was focused on three fundamental elements those are represented by the requirement of the use of Six Sigma which are: the effective engagement of the superior managers, the training and human resources, to improve the enterprise performance and increase customer satisfaction.As a conclusion of this study has shown that all these elements had no relation with Six Sigma, and found that the training in this concept cannot ameliorates neither the work at the firm nor the customers, because of the training policies that are followed in Condor which doesn’t match the requirement of the Six Sigma programs.