Efficiency of dietary zinc and lycopene to counteract oxidative stress of Japanese quail
This study was carried out to investigate the efficacious effect of zinc and lycopene added to diet against oxidative stress induced by lead acetate in drinking water by using 600 chicks of Japanese quail. This study was started in the beginning of the 2nd week of age and all birds were randomly assigned into 5 treatments by 4 replicates/treatment using 30 chicks/ replicate. The treatments were divided into: T1:control, T2: 2.5 ppm of lead acetate supplemented in water, T3 and T4: 30 and 200 mg of zinc and lycopene supplemented in diet, respectively, T5: adding mixture dietary zinc and lycopene. It was added the same dose of lead acetate in drinking water in T3, T4 and T5. The productive performance, mortality percentage, anatomical traits of functional organs, intestinal histology and oxidation state in blood plasma were investigated. The results revealed at 6 weeks that T3, T4 and T5 increased feed intake, weight gain, improved feed conversion efficiency through (2-6 weeks) and reduced the total mortality (P< 0.01) compared with T2. Also, the same treatments increased carcass yield, liver weight and reduced abdominal fat (P< 0.05) whereas the breast weight was achieved high ratio in T4, T5 and T1 compared with T2. Additionally, T3, T4 and T5 were acheived significant increase (P<0.05) regarding the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine lengths as well as histological characterestics of duodenum, also reduced the oxidation parameters in blood plasma with respect to LOOH and MDA wheares it was found an increase in SOD, CAT and FRAP values (P< 0.05) in favor to the same treatments. We conclude from this study that the addition of zinc and lycopene in the diet has contributed the alleviation of oxidative stress in quail by improving the productive and physiological characteristics mentioned above.