The role of the Caliph Al-Mutawakil Al-Abbasi in revival of the Sunni (232-247 A.H/ 847-861 A.D)


The intellectual life was witnessed at the end of the first Abbasid era, especially after the succession of the caliph Al Maamon a serious intellectual stage, he neared a category of scientists and disperse, who were affected by foreign external inspirational from Greek and other thought, which opened the door to the thinkers to convert their telepathy and their imagination of the creator and the creatures to a religious approach and legislation were followed it and struggled to diffuse their thought consequently, confronted them some of the scientists and most famous Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, but was unable to deter them to support the Abbasid caliph Al-Ma'moun and then Mu'tasim and then Alwathik of their views and orientations were these caliphs support the thought of the Mu'tazila until the ascension of the Caliph Al-Mutawakil to God Caliphate denied the words of the Mu'tazilah and supported the Sunnis and the community in sensitizing people from The danger of misguided ideas made Ahmed bin Hanbal a platform that would be right and end all the interpretations that planted the division and animosity among Muslims.