Mathematical Modeling Of Multi Component Batch Extractive Distillation


A dynamic model has been developed to study the dynamic behavior of multicomponent batch extractive distillation column. The set of equationsgoverning (material bvalance, heat balance, summation of mole andequilibrium equations) which represent the dynamic model are solved to givethe temperature and composition profile. Eigenvalue method was used tointegrate the stiff ordinary differential equations.Matrix method was used to solve many equations simultaeously to redefinethe column parameters during program run. Newtons algorithm was used tocalculate the plate temperatures on each tray.The calculations and simulations in this paper were obtained by usingMATLAB environment, version 6. The result of the proposed model arecompared with experimental result taken under the same operatingconditions. This model shows good agreement with experimental results andexplains features of the batch extractive distillation process.