Chronic toxicity of Nerium oleander aqueous leaf extract in Rabbits


This evaluation of some hematological and biochemical changes associated with chronic toxicity of Nerium oleander aqueous leaf extract twenty rabbits of both sexes were made. First group treated orally with Nerium oleander aqueous leaf extract at a dose rate of 10 mg kg body weight daily for 4 months, while animals of the second group do not left as control. The main clinical signs observed as anorexia, nervous signs, restlessness, crying, ataxia, pawing of the ground, convulsion, falling, turning of the head back ward, polyuria, emaciation, increased heart sound intensity, noisy respiration, paralysis associated hind limbs extension, finally death. Hematological changes increased in the packed cell volume (Hemoconcentration), and hemoglobin concentration, and erythrocytic count and leukocytosis with lymphocytosis, eosinophilia, and neutropenia were noted. The biochemical changes included hyperproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia and gradually increased, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels starting from day 30th onwards in the animals of the first group, as compared to the values in animals of the control group.