دراسة اصولية لمسار الحمم المقذوفة من الانفجارات البركانية


A fbrmal tlteoretical investigation has beencarried out to anal.vze the trajector)' of blocks thate.iected trorn volcanic eruptions. Tlte stud)' isnlai n l)' concenl lv ith forrnr"rl ati n-q of b locks eqtrationof motions in a comtnon manner. However, theseequations have been set up in a way such that it canbe used for all over the sorts of blocks. Thereafter,the system of , these eqtrations were solvednumerically using the forth order Runge-Kuttamethod to deduce the blocks trajectory and any, required observable of the ejected blocks.The results of comparison have clearly shownthat, the introduced procedure has an excellentefficiency u'ith high accuracy. Finally acomprehensive investigation was carried out torevel the influence of varying the physical andgeometrical parameters on .the behavior of theejected blocks.