A comparison of spreader penetration depth and load required in curved canal using two types of spreaders
The aim of the present study was to compare nickel titanium and stainlesssteel spreaders penetration depth and load in lateral compaction. Thirty curved mesialcanals of extracted mandibular molars were used in the study. The canals wereprepared using step-back technique with Gates-Glidden. Afterward the teeth weredivided randomly into 2 groups. In part 1 of the study, the force required to inserteach spreader to within 1 mm of the working length in an empty canal was measured .In part 2, the force required to insert each spreader to within 2 mm of the workinglength was measured in canal containing a master cone. ln part 3, the depth ofpenetration of each spreader with a master cone in place using a 1.5 kg force wasmeasured. Using a t-test for paired samples, the results from pan 1 showed that nickeltitanium spreader required high significantly less force than stainless steels reader P<0.01 . ln part 2, a nickel titanium s reader re uired high si niticantl lessforce than a stainless steel spreader .As expected in part 3, a nickel titanium spreaderpenetrated to a significantly high depth than stainless steel spreader (P<0.0l