The effect of Ginger on semen parameters and serum FSH, LH & testosterone of infertile men
Background:- The chemical constituents of ginger classified to volatile oils (including borneol, camphene, citral, eucalyptol, linalool, phenllandrene, zingiberine and zingiberol penols (gingerol, zingerone and shogaol) and resin) which constitutes (1-3%) mainly of zingeberene nonvolatile pungent compounds oleo-resin constitutes (4-7.5%) mainly gigerols and other constituents with more than 50% of starch.Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of ginger supplements on semen parameters & serum FSH, LH, & testosterone & of infertile men.Patients & methods: A longitudinal study comprised 75 infertile men, their ages from 19-40 years. All infertile patients were married for at least two years and had no children. The Study samples were obtained from infertile clinic in Tikrit teaching hospital, private clinics in Kirkuk city, from 1-10- 2011 to 1-5-2012. This study involves clinical trial by treating the whole infertile patients with ginger. At least 2-3 semen analyses were done during 3 months of treatment for each patient before making a final conclusion regarding the base line sperm parameters. Serum concentrations of FSH, LH & testosterone were measured using ELISA.Results: There was significant (p<0.01) increase in sperm count of infertile men after treatment with ginger as compared with that before treatment. With a % of increase in sperm count up to 16.2%. Also, the study record a significant (p<0.01) increase in sperm motility of infertile men after treatment with ginger, as compared with before treatment with a % of increase in sperm motility was recorded was up to 47.3%. Moreover, there was significant (p<0.01) increase in sperm viability & normal sperm morphology of infertile men after treatment with ginger as compared with before treatment, with increase in percentage of sperm viability up to 40.7 %. The study observed a significant increase in ejaculate volume of infertile men after treatment with ginger, as compared with before treatment with a increase in percentage of ejaculate volume was recorded up to 36.1%. There is significantly (p<0.01) reduction in serum MDA & significant increase in serum glutathione (p<0.01) in infertile men after treatment with ginger as compared with before treatment. There were significant increases in serum FSH, LH & testosterone levels in infertile men after treatment by ginger as compared with before treatment. Conclusion: The present study conclude that after treatment with ginger, cause a significant reduction in serum MDA & significant increase in serum LH, FSH & testosterone. Treatment with ginger increase serum glutathione & reduce serum & seminal fluid MDA. The present study recommends the use of ginger by Iraqi community as a food additive.