Evaluation of Serum Magnesium, Hemoglobin and body mass index in Dismenoreric Women in Tikrit City /Iraq
This study was conducted to evaluate serum magnesium, hemoglobin level and body mass index of 60 primary dysmenorric women and 60 control attended to emergency department / teaching Tikrit hospital in Tikrit city. Blood samples were collected from groups from July / 2011 to the October / 2011. Their ages varied between 14-25 years.The results showed that serum magnesium level of primary dysmenorrhea women was significantly (P<0.05) lower than in the control group which was 0.98±0.18, 1.82±0.21 mmol/l respectively. Also the mean of the serum hemoglobin in dysmenorrhea women was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the control group which was 9.31 ± 0.81 g/dl, 12.32 ±0.94 g/dl, respectively. the results showed that body mass index in dysmenorrhea women was significantly (P<0.05) lower when compared with control group which was 17.4±1.02 kgm 2 , 19.77±1.6 kgm 2 respectively .