الحماية المدنية لبرمجيات الحاسـوب في القانون العِراقيَّدراسـة تحليلية مُقارنة في ضوء قانون حماية حق المؤلف العِراقيَّ رقم (3) لسـنة 1971 المُعدل وقانون حماية حق الملكية الفكرية المِصريَّ رقم (82) لسـة 2002


The Coalition Provisional Authority (now defunct) to amend the number of many of the laws of the Iraqi state, including the Copyright Protection Act (No. 3) for the year 1971. What concerns us about the amendment is to amend Article II, which stipulates that: "These include the protection of works expressed in writing or the path of sound, drawing, photography or movement, in particular the following:1-........... 2- Computer programs, whether the source or machine code that must be protected as literary". As the nature of program development is characterized by the nature of the preparation of the various other works, especially the preparation is a business while the other preparation works such as civil works, unless evidence to the contrary does what you said. Therefore, varied views on the style of protection required for software programs to the electronic of the following cases: I.The civil protection of the software according to the rules of contractual liability. II.The civil protection for software in accordance with the patents provision.III.Civil Protection of the software in accordance with the provisions of tort.IV. Civil protection for software in accordance with the rules of branding. V.Civil protection for software in accordance with legislation to protect copyright.We examine the aspects of protection of the five software and differentiation, including for the purpose of determination of a civil protection appropriate for this software and in accordance with the provisions of Iraqi law (the law of copyright protection (No. 3) for the year 1971), amended by order of the Coalition Provisional Authority disbanded number (83) for the year 2004