تطور التفكير الإبداعي لدى طلبة كلية التربية الأساسية


The research aimed to know wether there is a development of creative thinking in the students of college of basic education and wether there are differences between both stages in this, the first and the fourth have the five factors of creative thinking ( fluency, flexibility, originality, sensitivity to problems, details).The null hypotheses : (There is no statistically significant difference at (0.05) level of significance between the mean of the score of the first stage students and that of the fourth stage students in creative thinking test ) . The researcher has derive eighth potheses from it to mull the aims . The sample of the study is the student of the math Dept. ( first , fourth stages ) – morning study – college of basic education / Al – Mustansirhya University for the academic year 2012 – 2013 . The researcher has used descriptive research . The sample consisted of ( 140 ) students divided to ( 34 ) male students – ( 36 ) female students from the first stage , and ( 28 ) male students – ( 42 ) female students from fourth stage . The researcher has adopted test consisted of ( 30 ) items and distributed according to the five factors ( fluency , flexibility , originality , sensitivity to problems , details ) ( 6 items ) for every factor , this test was made to measure the creative thinking in the sample of the study . The construct validity is verified using (Pierson correlation) for every item with the total mark of the test, the result ranges from (0.799– 0.512),and reliability 0.959) . After applying the test and treating the data statistically using ( T – Test ) for one sample and two samples , the result has showed : -1-All students ( male and female ) in the basic sample have the creative thinking in math material .2-The achievement of the fourth stage students is higher than that of the first stage students , this means that there is a development in the creative thinking of the students .3-There are no statistically significant differences between the means of scores of the students according to gender variable .4-All students generally have the creative thinking according its five factors ( fluency , flexibility , originality , sensitivity to problems , details ) .5-The basic sample of the research according to gender variable ( male – female) has the creative thinking in math material at efficient level exception ( originality , sensitivity to problems , details ) according to male . The result has shown that it has no statistical significance although . In the light of the result , the researcher has recommended to use the method of creative thinking , enrich the curriculum specifically in pure math materials for the academy students by situation stimulate thinking in general and creative thinking specifically . The researcher has also recommended to study the relation between creative thinking and the ability to solve mathematical questions .