قوى الموضع والموقع في سلطنة عمان بين الجغرافية السياسية والجيوبولتك
The power or the Influence of location and position in Sultanate of Oman is between the political geography and Geopolitics.Dr ABDUL ABBASS FUTHIKHAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Karbala- Department of Geography The term of Geopolitics which was brought by Rudolf Kjellen who wants to study the state according to its Geographical environment t his study needs to requirements related to Knowledge of land and state .But this is very difficult to know or understand only by the geographer and politician. this research is related to ,on how to activate the power of location and position Sultanate 0f Oman according to the requirements of Geopolitics there four the reality or the fact of the map of Oman is showing that only one area on the sea of Oman attracts about 60% percent of the population , investment and work -folk ( that region is Masqat and Al-Batinah). there is an area in the south-east attracts about 9% percent of population live in. so it became to represent imbalance of population . it has a huge effect to build the state ,and that reflex on geographic appearance in foreign affairs . The Geographic appearance reflexes on foreign affairs of the state. This research will give some solution to fill the empty .one of these is to establish a new economical, tradable region to populate the people in order to carry out the requirements of Geopolitics