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Al-Ameed Journal for Medical Research and Health Sciences
Published by University of Al-Ameed
ISSN: 3005-3188 (Electronic)
Subjects: Science (General), Medicine (General)
Some Functions of Silence in School Spaces
AL-AMEED JOURNAL, 2024, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 183-212
Published by AL-Abbas Holy Shrine
ISSN: 2227-0345 (Paper)
ISSN: 2311-9152 (Electronic)
Subjects: Languages, Literature, History (General), Historical osteology, Prehistoric archaeology, General works, Art, Theory and practice of education, Special aspects of education, Education (General)
The news in the literature of Ibn Al-Ameed
Journal of College of Education, 2021, Volume , Issue 2, Pages 269-278
Semiotics of the mind in the letter of Ibn al-Amida to Ibn Balka Analytical study
Journal of Misan Researches, 2024, Volume 19, Issue 38, Pages 123-138
Features of Ibn Amid and Ibn Ebad in Arabic literature and comparing them with each other
The islamic college university journal, 2019, Volume 1, Issue 53, Pages 755-780
The Moral and Spiritual Collapse of Modern Civilization: A Study in Saul Bellow’s The Dean’s December
Mustansiriyah Journal of Arts, 2014, Volume 38, Issue 66, Pages 1-27
القيادة المتواضعة ودورها في تعزيز رأس المال النفسي الإيجابي (بحث ميداني لآراء عينة من الملاكات التربوية في مجموعة العميد التعليمية)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yazan Salem Al-Janabi,
Researcher: Abbas Ahmed Al-eqabi,
Researcher: Ameer Towfeeq Abdul Ameer
AL-SSEBT JOURNAL, 2023, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 123-146
The Effect of 980 nm Diode Laser in Relieving the Periodontal Pocket Symptoms: A Clinical Study
Al-Ameed Journal for Medical Research and Health Sciences, 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-4
Future Challenges for Nursing: An Overview
Al-Ameed Journal for Medical Research and Health Sciences, 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 5-8